April Struthers

April Struthers, MED, RCC

April Struthers

Organizational consultant, prevention research, social change projects, author in field of prevention of adult abuse. Registered clinical counsellor, with a Masters in Applied Psychology (Human Relations).

Owner of management consulting firm working across all sectors and regionally, in BC, in Canada (particularly with Federal govt); and in the UK. Have a long time strategic cooperative alliance with Wit Partnership (Nottingham),  and Emotus Operandi, Vancouver BC.

April’s professional development includes learning to do podcast production, and April’s personal stretch goal is to play guitar and write songs …better. April is part of a learning exchange with professional musicians.
Creating learning climates and structures to anticipate and cope with change.

Developing organizations to create wellness and optimal performance at all levels

Collaboration across sectors

Wit Works believes:

  • People have unlimited potential
  • Organizations can organize themselves to incorporate potential and produce effective, humane working environments
  • All organizations have strengths and we work from these
  • All organizations have conflict and we believe that healthy management of conflict builds capacity
  • Our learning is as important as the learning of our clients. We have professional development plans, and operate as a community of practice.
  • In sharing our expertise by committing to discounted and pro bono work for non profit organizations

Wit Partnership, Nottingham UK since 1992. A cooperative partnership of consultants working on social and development issues with public service, large arts organizations, and not for profits.


Emotus Operandi, Vancouver, BC since 2010. Consultants including evaluation and survey experts, re-conceptualizing and re-organizing work  and workplaces. Wit Works joins with Ben Kadel to design, develop and implement large scale evaluations; particularly developmental evaluations.

Ben brings two decades of social science and organizational development experience to every project. Equally at home with hard data or hot emotions, Ben uses the power of iterative, developmental processes to foster truly effective, innovative social change.


Individual Partners

Lindsay Risk, Vancouver Island, BC. Health social work consultant in person centred care; sessional instructor in social work faculty of UVIC, cross cultural conference presenter, educator, blogger and writer. Co – author with April (BLI Tool)

Alison Leaney,  leader in field of prevention of adult abuse, national trainer, ‘Its Not Right’ Initiative, Western University. Co-author with April.(Promising Approaches – First Nations, Public Health Agency of Canada)

Courtney Hartman, musician, music diplomacy across cultures, writer, Grammy nominated songwriter, producer.Learning Exchange partner and co-producer of projects with Wit Works. Co-presenter. See YouTube.



Wit Works partners, contracts, and sub contracts with its partner organizations to provide a range and depth of expertise. Much of its work is virtual, employing collaborative technologies.Wit Works produces private Internet TV, webinairs, teleconferences and video conferences. Wit Works consultants are frequent conference presenters.

Wit Works projects are largely interprofessional-pulling together professions like social work, therapists, lawyers, educators, managers.

Clients in 2018 -19 include:

Nottingham City Council

Sunshine Coast Community Services Society

Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children – Western University

BC Association of Community Response Networks

EmbraceBC-Government of BC

Snug House Society 

Langara College 
We meld complexity theory, human relations and emotional intelligence, learning theory, cross cultural work, appreciative inquiry and other social constructionism methods.