The Regional OARH Network for Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast has funded April to present workshops on basic cultural competency to member organizations of the network across the Island. In May and June 2016 April will present in 7 locations in the Cowichan Valley, Campbell RIver, and Alberni Valley. Curriculum was developed by April and network members and delivered to a variety of organizations-crises line societies, alternate schools, employment services and college students. If you are interested in these sessions please contact April.
Cultural Competency Workshops – Organizing Against Racism and Hate Network
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About the Author: Wit Works Ltd.
Organizational consultant, prevention research, social change projects, author in field of prevention of adult abuse.
April is a Registered Clinical Counselor and a certified teacher (PB6)
Owner of management consulting firm working across all sectors and regionally, in BC , in Canada (particularly with Federal govt) and in the UK. Have a long time strategic cooperative alliance with Wit Partnership (Nottingham), and a collective association with Alofii Consultancy in Powell River BC.
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