Courtney Hartman (see other posts and Acoustic Guitar articles); and I have been engaged in a skills / thinking exchange (co-learning). We are exchanging our expertise in music and consulting. So topics and tools like productivity matrixes, neuroscience, forcefield analysis, SWOT diagrams, and coaching in their use have been going to Brooklyn. In return rigorous song / melody learning schemes, new fingerings for old chord forms, ear training, developing a ‘power’ thumb for banjo, and being groomed for higher levels of performance have been coming to the Sunshine Coast.
We also exchange mutual encouragement and reminders about discipline (even when it is really hard). We have continual dialogue about expectations, resilience and finding joy in our work. It is all done over video links (with occasional face to face meetings).
We think it is the winning formula for the co-learning sessions my virtuoso client and I have been conducting since September of 2016. These sessions are slightly different than regular coaching because it is more a peer exchange; where we recognize each other’s expertise; where it is ok to admit doubts, fears and longings; where we practice asking for what we need, and where risks are offered. It requires high trust and high responsiveness and agreement to be accountable to each other-and for what and for how long. It is intense.
We also have fun. Hence the Log Driver’s Waltz-a delightfully goofy NFB animation short film features Anna and Kate McGarrigle singing a modern Canadian song about early 20th century logging in eastern Canada. We are learning the song together (Courtney quickly- myself more slowly). Stay tuned – it may become public at some point!
Other projects have sprung out of the exchange. We are at the moment producing content from our work in Spain to support Courtney’s ongoing song writing, poetry and video making. This will likely be distributed on Courtney’s website
Photo shows a creative co-learning triumph producing chocolate pancakes in Spain.
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