A Musician and a Consultant Walked Into Bar…And then the Bar Got raised
The National Coalition of Dialogue and Deliberation national conference in Denver in November brings people from all over North America to join in dialogue and create deliberate action to build stronger social fabric (Civil Society). April and Courtney Hartman have been invited to present on how they work together and develop projects which jointly build community. With a theme of ‘Slow Tours: Fast Connections’, they will present at a Showcase and help with guided conversation sessions. Courtney has been nominated for the Paul Aicher Leadership In Action award (with members of Della MAE), for a Grammy for her songwriting, and as the Americana Music Association’s Instrumentalist of the Year in 2017. She is a 2017 ‘One Beat’ Fellow.
April and Courtney have worked together in a co-learning exchange since meeting two years ago on a river rafting/music trip in Idaho. They develop projects (like slow tours), co-host podcasts, and challenge each other to be more deliberate in their practice. They both share a love of cross-cultural adventures, teaching and social justice.
April is privileged to be taking guitar and performance lessons from Courtney. And in return Courtney is receiving ‘how to be ‘free range’ consultant lessons from April.
They report significant learning and the emergence of new projects, ideas and approaches, through this association. April reports becoming (unexpectedly) a beginning songwriter, and a much more relaxed, melodic and mindful guitar player. Courtney is learning and applying techniques on strategic planning, project management, goal setting, decision making, time management and action research.
Below is a photo from a stop on the way of the Colorado arm of the ‘slow tour’ that illustrates what
is important about doing things this way….
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