Courtney Hartman and April have a co – learning arrangement and exchange. Courtney (a Grammy nominated and award winning guitarist/songwriter) teaches April guitar and performance lessons. April teaches Courtney how to be a ‘free range’ (freelance / independent) consultant; with techniques, approaches and design thinking she can use in life or in her projects.
They have been exploring how to set up different conditions for gaining audiences and touring. Some of this thinking has found a home in the tour Courtney and Canadian singer/ banjo player / songwriter Taylor Ashton are starting on August 31 in Colorado.
This is an anti-ageist, community building, slower – than – usual tour (based on the slow food movement), to allow time for deeper relationship between musicians and community. It is aimed at care homes for older adults and will include songwriting. There are also concert dates . See:
The lovely CD that is being toured, a result of 5 years work at kitchen tables in New York outside of both musicians touring schedules, is available here:
Here is a sample:
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